“Peace” of Mind

edit3whitetopbydoor-2 When it comes to allowing reviews, different strokes for different folks. On the one hand, good reviews are a free form of advertising. Whenever a new review pops up on a forum, I receive more inquiries. Reviews are a form of validation and credibility. Many of my clients have written highly positive, even blushingly complementary, things about me. I’m certainly grateful for the time they spent writing about our time together and their eagerness to share. It means a lot to me.

I understand the appeal of reviews by prospective clients. But at the same time there is just something yeech about provider reviews. I can understand wanting to know certain details, especially whether photographs are accurate, as well as physical description or even personality. The nitty gritty details of the session, however, often descend into lingo straight out of a locker room fantasy.

The rating scales of reviews sites have also been fairly criticized for pushing providers into doing things they’re not comfortable with in order to boost personal ratings. A woman who only feels comfortable giving a sensual massage is never going to get a good rating even if she provides tremendous pleasure to her clients. We are providing a service; we are not a product. Sometimes in these reviews it is hard to tell the difference.

For me, I’ve found the whole subject of reviews just caused too much anxiety. What should be on my mind before meeting someone is “how can we have the best time together” instead of having a mini-panic attack wondering “what are they going to write about me?” In the gentleman’s club, if you don’t appeal to someone they just either wouldn’t tip you or wouldn’t get a dance. That was no sweat off my back. In this case, we’re not in a club and having a mutually satisfying experience is both professional and personal.

After a lot of soul searching and knowing my reviews have benefited me, I am asking men to refrain writing reviews of our time together. Intimate details should remain private, between us. That way, I can concentrate on meeting the needs and desires of every client, without worrying about how it might sound later when written in the parlance of urban dictionary.

In essence, I have come to realize that having “peace” of mind is more valuable than anything–especially to my clients. It makes everything more relaxed and focused on the moment and I guarantee both of us will be richly rewarded.