I was Ubering home from D.C. one evening when had the idea for this blog. This particular morning was spent with a beautiful lady friend of mine and a handsome client she’d seen regularly. This caused me to reminisce about my previous experiences with duos.
To prepare for a duo there are two schools of thought. If I’m asked to make arrangements and coordinate a duo I’ll often try to identify each partners’ interests beforehand. It’s important to understand and respect the second lady’s boundaries. Knowing what she does and does not feel comfortable doing is key to ensuring that everyone “plays by the rules” and enjoys a comfortable and relaxing experience.. The last thing anyone wants is to be caught off-guard by an unexpected or undesirable request. Of course, not all ladies like to play both ways. Understanding their orientation and preferences is part of the preparation and could rule out certain scenarios. Once appropriate boundaries are set, the rest happens organically.
Occasionally, however, a lady friend will invite me to join her, or an established client will make arrangements for a duo with a woman I haven’t met before. In that case, it can be exciting to show up without any preliminary discussion and allow the adventure to unfold naturally.
Regardless of how a duo is initiated, there are several scenarios, each with a unique twist.
1. The Wingman: The Wingman scenario occurs when a gentleman has seen his lady friend multiple times to the point where they have developed a level of trust and rapport. He then sets up a date involving an enticing lady neither of them have played with before. Typically, his regular girl will take the lead and help “break the ice,” which often provides her man the comfort and confidence he needs to join in. Of course, some clients see multiple providers. A duo where a non-exclusive client is familiar with both providers are often the most enjoyable because the ice was previously broken. In any event, the less scripted the better.
2. The Voyeur: The Voyeur refers to the gentlemen who likes to sit back and watch the action take place. His direct participation and involvement is secondary, or even irrelevant; his thrill and pleasure is derived vicariously through watching the ladies enjoy themselves. For this scenario, unless the client likes to direct the action (see below), it’s helpful for the ladies to have some prior experience together.
3. The Director: The Director applies to those who are inclined to exert control or who prefer a more scripted encounter. It applies to the gentlemen who, as the name implies, likes to direct the action. He might orchestrate certain roll play and say things like, “I want to see you do XYZ to her.” From a provider’s perspective, it can be a liberating experience to cede control.
4. The Equal Opportunist: This scenario occurs when the girls tag team their man. Each will take turn performing the same action, ensuring that each has had a fair amount of time with the man. Sharing IS caring, after all. This scenario is ideal for partners seeking to double the pleasure and double the fun, but may not be ready for a mutually inclusive threesome. Let’s face it, some ladies want to please their man but may have less interest in their lady friend.
Of course, none of these scenarios are mutually exclusive. A client may desire to be a voyeur, director, and equal opportunist in the same session. Whatever your taste, a duo can be an exciting experience.